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*1 出典:NPO法人グッド・エイジング・エールズ
*2 Ally、非当事者でLGBTQを理解し、当事者の支援をする人のこと
*3 出典:電通LGBTQ+調査2020


LGBTQ inclusion in the workplaces-The reason we bring “gender” into the workplaces.

The awareness that diversity and inclusion is essential to corporate strategy, especially human resource strategy, is spreading, especially among large corporations. Recently, the number of companies working on the inclusion of sexual minorities has been increasing, and the number of companies and organizations applying for the PRIDE Index 2021, which measures corporate initiatives related to LGBTQ in Japan, reached a record 300 (*1).

However, in response to this movement, there is a strong belief that topics about sexuality should not be brought into the workplaces. As the initiatives become more widespread, conversely, such a question may be left unspoken and unresolved. In order to achieve true inclusion, we need to provide a clear explanation for this (simple) question. Do you ever talk about your husband, wife, or children with your boss or colleagues at work? Conversations such as "I went to my wife's parents' house for the weekend and here's a souvenir" or "My child's nursery school is having a field day next week" are commonplace in the workplace. It is also quite normal to invite bosses and colleagues to a wedding ceremony. But don't you think that they are bringing gender into the workplaces? In other words, by talking about these topics, they come out as heterosexual in the company.


On the other hand, in most cases, sexual minorities are not able to talk about their partners in such a casual way at work or come out naturally about their sexual orientation. What the majority takes for granted is actually very difficult for the minority. Joining casual conversations at work while hiding their sexuality can be very stressful, and the negative impact it can have on their work cannot be ignored. Many people think, "I don't care if my coworkers are LGBTQ," but unless you tell them you are an "Ally" (*2), they won't know it. It is said that the percentage of sexual minorities is 8%(*3). If there are not that many people around you, it can be interpreted that they cannot come out to you or in your workplace. Coming out is never mandatory, but at least,  companies need to clearly state their stance and increase the number of Ally employees to realize a workplace where people can come out with confidence. This is the reason why many companies have LGBTQ-related initiatives to bring gender into the workplace.


*1 Source: NPO good aging yells
*2 Non-LGBTQ people who understand and support LGBTQ.
*3 Source: Dentsu LGBTQ+ Survey 2020(電通LGBTQ+調査2020)


村松 栄子(むらまつ えいこ)


人事本部 人事戦略企画/ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン マネージャー









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